Discover his style!
Someone's overall style will say a lot about what they like in jewerly. If you're looking for a men's bracelet, the options are endless. Beaded bracelets, leather bracelets or a silver bracelet for example, are very taste sensitive. Men with a preppy style may be more into chic, leather bracelets, whereas men with a tougher style may like beaded bracelets more. In the end, keep in mind what type of bracelet would look good with the man's clothes to prevent a mismatch.
Buy jewelry in the right proportions
This goes for men just as much as for women. A wide, heavy bracelet won't look best on a super small wrist. I once bought a watch for my dad and he doesn't have small wrists, but the clock itself on the watch was really small.. It would have looked odd, so I looked further for a bigger watch that would look good on his wrist. The same goes for bracelets. A super thin bracelet on a bigger wrist will look a little off. Go for a chunky shackled bracelet instead, or a wide leather woven bracelet for example.
A lot of people have an allergic reaction to non silver metals, which people often forget to take into account when shopping for jewelry for someone else. Rings, bracelets and watches that are not made out of sterling silver can irritate the skin a lot. These are often the cheaper pieces of jewelry, but just looking at the product description will tell you if the product contains metal parts or silver / silver plated parts.
I wrote this article in collaboration with Trend Him, where I got the silver bracelet and beaded bracelets, too! Let me know in the comment section if you found these tips helpfull, and if you've got tips yourself to make jewelry shopping for men easier, share them in the comments 😊
Dit artikel heb ik geschreven in samenwerking met Trend Him. Dit is een super leuke webshop waar je álles van sieraden tot accessoires voor mannen kunt vinden. Dat maakt de zoektocht naar dat speciale item al een stuk makkelijker! Op Trend Him vind je ook inspiratie en kun je ideeën opdoen voor wat leuk bij elkaar past qua sieraden. Zo ben ik ook deze leuke heren armband tegengekomen. Daarnaast vind je bij Trend Him ook horloges, ringen, manchetknopen en toilettassen voor mannen. Neem eens een kijkje voor inspiratie!
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